A step by step support guide for supporting Dyslexia at school from Dyslexia Action
Dyslexia Action has some wonderful resources. Check out this step by step guide for getting support for Dyslexia at School.
A step-by-step support guide
1. First write a list of your concerns and the reasons why you feel your child may have dyslexia. Our‘What are the signs’ page may help you.
2. Then speak to your child's class teacher and/or head of year about your concerns. It may be recommended that an assessment is appropriate.
3. Make an appointment with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at your child's school to discuss the options available or the possibility of an assessment from a Local Authority Educational Psychologist. Alternatively, an assessment can be undertaken by Dyslexia Action.
4. Discuss the assessment report with your child’s teacher and/or SENCo.
5. If your child’s assessment shows they have dyslexia then an action plan for Additional SEN Support should be put in place.
6. If your child has dyslexia then the class teacher and/or SENCo will have to determine how best to support your child. If they do not have a dyslexia-trained teacher in school then they are able to seek support from a Dyslexia Action specialist teacher.
7. In the first instance, Dyslexia Action would recommend four key elements of good practice a school should follow (outlined below).
Four key elements of good practice
- A whole school ethos that respects individuals’ differences maintains high expectations for all and promotes good communication between teachers, parents and pupils.
- Knowledgeable and sensitive teachers who understand the processes of learning and the impact that specific difficulties can have on these.
- Creative adaptations to classroom practice enabling children with special needs to learn inclusively and meaningfully, alongside their peers.
- Access to additional learning programmes and resources to support the development of key skills and strategies for independent learning when assessment indicates that the pupil is not making progress.
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