I'm at University and I think I am dyslexic: 3 Top Tips
This month UK Universities will be opening their doors to thousands of students to new courses.
Apart from the usual nerves of starting a new course, if you are dyslexic or suspect that you have dyslexia then there could well be a load of anxious thoughts flying around your brain on top of the usual ones!
Fear not! I am going to give you three top tips that will help you to get what you need to enjoy your time at Uni and get the help that you need...
1) Be open about your concerns and talk to students services.
Whether you are dyslexic or not (it maybe that you have another condition that may be causing you issues with studying), every university has a student services or student wellbeing centre. This place is the key to finding out resources that will help you through your course.
One resource is the Disabled Students Allowance. This is a scheme that is run by Student Finance England and involves you taking an assessment for your study needs. As a result of that assessment other resources are unlocked which will make a positive impact on your abilities to study.
2) Take that DSA assessment!
If we have a perception that there is something 'wrong' about us then we may be reluctant to engage with whatever that is. What will other people say? Will it mean that I am stupid? These are questions which are irrelevant here. The reality is that many dyslexics have a higher IQ than those without dyslexia. The issues with dyslexia are about processing information not using that information. If you have a dyslexia diagnosis there is absolutely no shame in that. 10% of the UK population have dyslexia (at least) and this will mean that you will have enhanced skills as a result of having dyslexia too. I don't want to define them here but my advice to you is to believe in yourself and see this as an opportunity to unlock a door to what will hopefully be successful academic outcomes. You have this opportunity, grab it with both hands and be the best that you can be!
3) Ignore what anyone else says about your dyslexia, do what you need to do to unlock your potential.
I touched on this in 2). You have this opportunity to do something amazing through attending university. It is for many a once in a lifetime opportunity. So you need to do everything that you can to make sure it counts. Almost certainly someone will say something about your educational needs that will be unkind, but they don't understand you and they certainly don't see the potential in you, that I know that you have (because everyone has it!).
Make sure that you grab every resource that can help you with your studies and make sure you use them. If you need to change your lifestyle a little to make it happen then do it. Sit at the front of the lectures if it helps you to process information better even if your friends sit at the back. Ask your lecturers for notes up front before a lecture (this is common practise now in many universities).
There is so much opportunity for you and don't be afraid to self advocate about what you need as a dyslexic, it will make a huge difference.
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