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Why Dyslexic Thinking Just Makes Sense.

Albert Einstein

I often hear about how students who are dyslexic feel like they do not fit in with the world around them especially when going to primary, secondary and sixth form education.
Due to the nature of our education system, a certain learning style is almost forced upon our dyslexic students (in many cases) which can be counter intuitive to how they need to learn and this can lead to feelings of low self esteem and confidence especially when they see their peers doing well.

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I think that it is really quite a difficult time during those 'education years' and sometimes we can, as a result, lose track of how brilliant our potential is as dyslexics.

So on a fairly light hearted note, I wanted to share with you an article that I was brought to my attention by my friend, Lisa Bay-Kaye that was on the Daily Mail website about a dyslexic artist who draws portraits of famous dyslexics.

The artist, Vince Low, from Malaysia, is dyslexic and has been involved in a campaign to raise awareness of dyslexia in Malaysia.

What I love about his portraits is the style with which he uses which is unconventional but extremely effective.  This reminds me that many successful dyslexics are successful because they are unconventional but extremely effective in what they do when given the space to be who they are.

So what is my point with this article?

We need to give our dyslexics space to be unconventional so that they can use their creativity to great effect, just in the way that Vince Low has done with his art.

The article can be accessed by clicking here.

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