The Studying With Dyslexia Blog: New Accessibility Features
And finally, a dyslexia blog that now has accessibility features which allows for more people to be able to access the content.
You spoke and I listened!
A little while ago I was addressing a group of PATOSS members up in the North-East about working with families who live with dyslexia and I mentioned my Studying With Dyslexia Blog.
Initially, I felt really good when I got lots of nods of recognition and generally good comments about how the blog had been useful to those present and then I had a dose of reality.
One of the attendees in the meeting, someone who I greatly respect and who I know is dyslexic (you know who you are!), challenged me on how accessible my blog was for people with dyslexia.
It's ironic isn't it?
I have a blog that I am using to provide information and inspiration to supporters of dyslexic learners and by not having an accessible website I am discriminating against dyslexics who may have challenges associated with reading who could benefit from what I am writing about.Thank you
So I was really chuffed when web accessibility company Recite helped me to make The Studying With Dyslexia Blog accessible with their product.With Recite you are now able to use text to speech to read out all the text, change colours of the web pages and adjust font size. You can even use a reading ruler to help you to focus on the text that you are reading.
I am so thrilled to be able to make this available to you and really grateful to the guys at Recite who have helped me to make this happen.
I hope that you will find these new accessibility features useful to you.
So how does work? works on all hardware platforms. So by this I mean laptop, tablet or mobile phone.To use the features, you can access them by clicking on two different parts of the blog:
Top Left Of The Studying With Dyslexia Blog
Right Side Of The Studying With Dyslexia Blog
Once you click on the accessibility features you will see a tool bar which will open up the features for you at the top of the blog.
If you would like to know more about Recite and how it came to make websites accessible for millions of people then the video below will be useful to you.
If you would like to make your website more accessible simply click the banner below to go to their website.
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Click here to find out more about web accessibility. |
That will be very helpful for students to get their notes quickly from this tool. And I will be very thankful to you If I got this from you. Pressure Washing Services Brookline MA You did very good job.